following books and videos are available for
online purchase from
Important Note:
Please use the links on our pages to order your books, or we will not be credited with the
sale. |
Roaring Glory Warbirds,
Volume 10: Grumman Hellcat F6F (DVD)
Produced by Navarre Video
with modern color footage, multiple camera angles, WWII training films, interactive motion
menus, a WWII pilot's "family album" and a complete Pilot's Handbook, this DVD
is great entertainment for Hellcat fans. |
Warbirds / World War II Fighters (DVD)
Produced by Wrench in the Works Entertainment
This DVD contains four original fighter pilot training films from WWII and
new video of beautifully-restored warbirds in flight, including the F6F
Hellcat. |
Grumman's Wildcat:
World War 2 Album
by Ray MerriamPictorial
history of the Grumman F4F Wildcat, its prototypes and variants, and the air
forces that used this famous naval fighter, profusely illustrated with
photos and drawings. |
Tales: A US Navy Fighter Pilot in World War II
By Robert "Gabby" GadboisThis
fine memoir takes readers through the author's decision to become a pilot,
through pre-flight school and into the depth of wartime action onboard the
USS Randolph making its way to victory. |
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